We finally had a snow day here in the North-East.
I have this blog titled "The Perfect Snow Day"
because generally when it snows it causes some
stress with traveling to and from work...but lucky
me Thursday's are my day off so we could stay put!
Caleb loved watching the snow fall and blow around from the wind.
And of course licking the window... (don't mind his
hair, he had woken up from his morning nap when
I took this photo)
For Caleb's first birthday his Great-Aunt Tricia and
Great-Uncle Scott got him a North Face winter
coat as well as the matching bunting. We use the
coat on a regular basis but when it snows we make
sure to get out there with him wearing his bunting.
We love that the sleeves can roll up and cover his
hands as well as his feet!
You can find the bunting here
The North Face Infant ThermoBall
Bunting Cosmic Blue Denim Print 6
and the winter coat at here
The North Face Reversible Thermoball
Hoodie - Infant (7319)
I tried to do one of those cute baby snow angel
photos and it was a complete fail....
He wanted nothing to do with it and proceeded to
"crawl" away. (Typical Caleb when I am trying to
get a cute shot) Anyways we had a wonderful Snow
Day and look forward to our next day off where we
will be getting Caleb a surprise!
Thanks for reading! See you all in my next blog! <3