Last Sunday morning I took Caleb to Petco to get his first pet, a fish.
It was a rainy Sunday which gave us a good reason to wear these cute "Jack and Cat" rain boots that we found at Target which seem
to now be only available in store.
excited and full of energy. I am pretty sure the
employees wished they had that much energy first
thing in the morning. Before I put him in the cart
I let him walk around, it was kinda like a speed
walk in my opinion. He was going up and down
aisles like he knew where he was going.
Take a look:
We spent most of our time in the fish area, which
seemed to be Caleb's favorite area as well. He loved
looking at all the fish and of course touching the
freshly cleaned glass.
We decided to go with a Veiltail Male Betta fish that
we named "fish" and his nick name is "fishy."
We purchased the rocks and aquarium plant from Petco and got
the Fish Bubble - Wall Mounted Acrylic Fish Bowl
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and
we will see you all in our next one!
(Caleb's Bluum box was shipped so it may
be a review...hint hint)